Monthly Archives: June 2010

There's No 'I' In Volunteeer

Published June 3, 2010

My wife Lauren works at the Kennedy School and helped with Harvard commencement last week. While walking by the laundry pile at home last night, I noticed the T-shirt that she and the dozens of other volunteers had been given to wear. Aside from the Department of Corrections color scheme, seee anything else awry?

The actual T-shirt worn by volunteers at Harvard's 359th commencement ceremony (Adam Ragusea)

File under: Petty things to which we cling that make us feel better about not having attended Harvard.

A Canadian And The Celtics: A Love Story

Published June 2, 2010

The Celtics and I have been pushed together by a blend of fate and circumstance.

In 2007, I moved to Boston from Montreal, where there is one cardinal rule: Hockey Trumps All. Canadiens playoffs have rescheduled my grandmother’s birthday celebration, cut short religious holidays in time for us to catch the game and given me valuable experience being part of a mob of dealing with sports-crazed rioters.

As I quickly found out, Boston is much more diverse in its sporting interests than in my hometown. And though I will never, ever root for the Bruins (sorry), I’ve become what I like to think is a pretty reliable member of the Celtics and Red Sox Nations. As I drove over the Storrow Bridge for the first time in August 2007, there was a towering green-and-white logo letting me know exactly whose city this was. 

Game 2 of the 2008 NBA Finals between the Boston Celtics and Los Angeles Lakers. (Adam Pieniazek/Flickr)

Game 2 of the 2008 NBA Finals between the Boston Celtics and Los Angeles Lakers. (Adam Pieniazek/Flickr)

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Wilkerson Will Plead Guilty

Published June 2, 2010

Remember this?

This image, taken from a undercover video, shows Wilkerson stuffing an alleged cash bribe under her sweater.

This image, taken from an undercover video, shows Wilkerson stuffing an alleged cash bribe under her sweater.

State Sen. Dianne Wilkerson, who famously stuffed allegedly dirty money into her bra — on camera — is pleading guilty to federal corruption charges.

Can BPD Shame People Not Accused Of Crime?

Published June 2, 2010

When I posted the Boston Police Department’s unorthodox flier yesterday, I wondered: What exactly does the BPD want here? What am I supposed to do if I see one of these guys?

After the brazen murder of 14-year-old Nicholas Fomby-Davis in Dorchester this weekend, police distributed what appear to be mug shots of people “known to associate with known criminals and gang members who are involved in firearm violence, and engage in criminal activity.”

Have you seen these men?

Have you seen these men?

Nathaniel Davis Jr., the boy’s father, told WBUR’s Bianca Vazquez Toness (in a must-listen story) he saw some of these men walk into a local drug store, so he followed what he thought were instructions to call police.

“They said they’re not really looking for them, they’re just letting people know that these are known criminals,” Davis said. “What’s the sense in putting it out there if they ain’t going to do nothing, you know?”

It’s important to say that the men in the flier are not accused of a crime. They are not “wanted criminals,” a la the FBI’s 10 Most Wanted poster. They’re just people we’re supposed to, you know, be aware of.

Police say they want to keep gangbangers off the streets. Some gang members see their mug on a police flier as a badge of honor.

But at least one of the men pictured tells  Bianca he’s no gang member, that his name is being tarnished by the police.

It raises legal questions. Can the government publicly declare these people — who are not sought by law enforcement or accused of a crime — “bad guys?” Isn’t that defamation?

After Nicholas died, it was shock and then outrage in Boston. And rightly so. Mayor Thomas Menino said gangbangers should be treated like “Taliban.” But civil liberties, even for gangbangers, are no less important in a crisis.

Any legal minds want to weigh in?

Robin Young Finds 'Nature In A Very Unnatural Place'

Published June 2, 2010

Lucky, Lucy and Larry in the nest (Ernie Sarro)

Lucky, Lucy and Larry in the nest (Ernie Sarro)

Humans have been gathering at a strip mall on Alewife Brook Parkway in Cambridge, staring up at a nest of red-tail hawks: Buzz and Ruby and their young ones, Lucky, Lucy and Larry (Bird). A community has formed there, rooting on the birds’ every move.

Cambridge’s own Robin Young decided to pay a visit this week, and she witnessed a moment everyone had been waiting for: Larry, the youngest hawk, fledged. But the crowd gasped as Larry slammed into a glass-walled office building and spiralled down into the street. An observer stopped traffic and shooed the stunned little bird off the road. The bird is reportedly all right now.

Listen: Robin’s Story Of Larry The Bird

Robin met Ernie Sarro, a fitness instructor for the elderly who has become a community documentarian, capturing what he can on video and blogging all the avian drama. It has become a compulsion, he says.

“Life is unfolding in front of you. I don’t have to worry about this the way I have to worry about the oil leak in the Gulf, which is depressing to me. It’s a sickening thing, and I think of all life that’s being hurt as a result of that. These are issues that are hard for me to face, hard for me to take, and I don’t see the way out of it.

“And then I look at something right here, right in front of us. … It’s nature in a very unnatural place. Nature has a life force. It’s why grass breaks through the ground! I get to document that, I get to see that happen in front of me.”

Robin’s story aired Tuesday on Here & Now.

Hubbub Explainer: Why You Couldn't Buy Beer Yesterday

Published June 1, 2010

Out of beer (Chris Devers/Flickr)

Out of beer (Chris Devers/Flickr)

Did you try to celebrate the long weekend yesterday by picking up a six-pack at your neighborhood liquor store? If you’re like me, you scratched your head when you got turned away.

Turns out Massachusetts bans liquor sales on Memorial Day. It’s just one of the commonwealth’s arcane blue laws, which might have made sense in the Puritan days, but which now just make it hard to drink on the days you most want to — weekends and holidays.

I got a little lost trying to make sense of it all, so I called Ralph Sacramone, executive director of the state’s Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission. Here’s the rub.

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What Will You Do With Your Kids This Summer?

Published June 1, 2010

(Peter Blanchard/Flickr)

(Peter Blanchard/Flickr)

Summer is about to start, which means families across Massachusetts are scrambling to find child care for the next three months.

The newsroom is collecting stories of innovative child care, and we want to hear yours. What do you do with the kids? Camp is expensive — prohibitively so for many families. My colleague Deborah Becker tells me a friend volunteered her child to wash dishes at a camp so that he could attend free. The family could only afford one or two weeks of the 12-week, multi-thousand-dollar program.

Some towns are offering public, low-cost summer programs on a first come, first served basis. Apparently the demand is so high in some places that parents queue up in the middle of the night. A quick Google search reveals Sudbury, Littleton, Franklin and Littleton are some of the towns that offer these public programs. The enrollment period is now.

Share your summer child care stories in the comments. We may like to contact you, so please leave a real e-mail address. (Your e-mail address will never be published on

  • tweets: our summer #tennis & reading program is free & @ 20+ #Boston parks! Check us out:
  • tweets: taking 2 of mine on a camping trip as I teach people how to raise and milk goats sustainably

Zipcar: We Aren't Making Money, But You Should Invest In Us

Published June 1, 2010

You gotta admit, for a company speculated to be considering an IPO for years, waiting didn’t cost it a good ticker symbol. If all goes well, Zipcar will soon trade on the NASDAQ stock exchange under the zippy little moniker “ZIP.”

Zipcar logo

Zipcar is a Cambridge company.

In a regulatory filing, the Cambridge car-sharing company announced it’s filing for an initial public offering.  By going public, it hopes to raise as much $75 million.  It hasn’t said how many shares would be issued at what prices.

Zipcar rents cars mostly in metropolitan areas and on college campuses. It boasts 400,000 members, who pay a time-based rate but don’t have to worry about gas or insurance.

But ever since Zipcar hit the pavement in 2000, it has never made a profit.  That’s mainly because Zipcar has been growing, buying up competitors and moving into international markets such as London.

The SEC filing also reveals Zipcar is looking for more acquisitions and still may not make a profit for years.