Published May 6, 2010
WBUR makes great radio — and we make great Web, if I may toot our own horn. But we want better relationships with our loyal followers — the people who make up ’BUR Nation. We need somebody to reach out of the radio and start conversations. Somebody like Colonel Tribune, the Chicago Tribune’s fictitious “Web ambassador” who wears a newspaper hat and has almost 900,000 followers on Twitter.

Andrew Phelps looking super-professional
Well, for WBUR, that guy is me. Think of me as your link to WBUR. Your inside man.
Hubbub is a new blog for me (and my colleagues) to have daily conversations with you about the news in Boston. It’s that simple.
Visit for coverage of breaking news and live events. Read about the stories that are too important (or too compelling, unusual, fill-in-the-blank) to miss. Find out what’s happening in the newsroom. Pose questions and opine. Tell us what you love and hate about our old-fashioned, high-tech, proud, impolite, loud-mouthed, lovable city, where politics is sport and sports are political.
Now I’m busy preparing for the launch of our new, daily talk show: Radio Boston. We go live at 3 p.m. Monday, and we have much to cover. We’ll talk about the latest wrinkle in the fight to repeal DOMA — and how Massachusetts is on the forefront of gay rights once more. We begin our series of interviews with candidates for governor, starting with Charlie Baker. (Check out our new special section.) Plus, have you ever stood at a busy crosswalk and mashed that button and wondered if it even does anything? Adam Ragusea has, so he set to find out.
And that’s just on Monday!
OK, it’s time for you to introduce yourself. Say hello in the comments or on Twitter (@WBUR, @andrewphelps), would you?