Published May 25, 2010
Our free app for iPhone and iPod Touch is released next month, and I think it’ll knock your socks off. Join me here at 12 noon for a preview. We’ll take your questions.
Published May 25, 2010
Our free app for iPhone and iPod Touch is released next month, and I think it’ll knock your socks off. Join me here at 12 noon for a preview. We’ll take your questions.
Published May 24, 2010
How did I miss this? Boston Magazine posts a page from what appears to be a 1982 compilation of Boston’s most eligible bachelors, authored by the late legendary Herald columnist, Norma Nathan. Featured on this page: Scott Brown, who would become the U.S. senator from Mass. 28 years later.
Norma Nathan (via Boston Magazine)
An excerpt:
A Tufts University graduate, he co-captained the basketball team, is in the National Guard, can cook (chicken cordon bleu is his dish) but he’d just as soon eat out at Frank Giuffrida’s Hilltop restaurant or at Roberto’s in the North End. Oh, yes, he hates liver, feels mature enough to compete with older men. “I’ve always felt I’ve done well with older women,” says Scott, who scores sex as “very important.” “I have the appetites of a 22-year-old man. It’s very important to me to satisfy a woman I am with.” Oh.
Also, I love the “income” part of the bio: “A model one.”
Published May 24, 2010
The graffiti is cleaned up now, but whoever defaced the “Make Way for Ducklings” statuettes could face fines or jail time.
Nancy Schön, who sculpted the ducklings to commemorate Robert McCloskey’s children’s book, has her own punishment in mind for the perpetrator: 100 hours of waxing all the sculptures in the Public Garden.
About 8:30 AM: Mrs. Mallard is one of the statuettes spray painted with the tag "Better Prey." (Rachel L. Blumenthal via Twitter)
A woman named Rachel Blumenthal (@blumie) discovered the tags “BP” and “Better Prey” painted on Mrs. Mallard and her ducklings this morning (“quite a mess”). She snapped and tweeted a photo; outrage ensued.
In a phone interview, Schön described the vandalism as “terrible,” “sick” and “mean.”
Then we sent someone to the Garden to verify the vandalism actually happened. The report back: no vandalism here. I couldn’t believe the Twitter tipster would fabricate this, so I called Mary Hines, spokeswoman for the city’s Park & Rec Department.
Hines said the ducks were, indeed, defaced. (“When I first heard about it, I was horrified.”) The Public Garden work crew discovered the vandalism first thing this morning. “They called for backup,” Hines tells me. The case was elevated to highest priority. The tags were washed clean off.
Published May 24, 2010
As we begin our series on the “education bubble” this week, Monica Brady-Myerov profiles Nicole Benson, an Endicott College grad who has accrued almost $100,000 in debt.
Benson got a full-time hospitality job after college, but she was laid off in 2009. Now she makes an hourly wage as a bookkeeper and gets 20 to 30 calls a day from creditors. “I worked so hard and I really have nothing to show for it,” she says. “I live in the cheapest place available to me. I drive a car that is barely running.”
It’s a devastating and increasingly common story. We’ll take your calls and comments on the issue for a deeper conversation today on Radio Boston. Meanwhile, I want to know: Do you have student loan debt? How much?
Follow the jump to respond to the Hubbub poll.
Published May 24, 2010
Someone spray painted one of the “Make Way for Ducklings” statuettes in the Public Garden, as seen in this photo from @blumie.
[via Universal Hub]
Published May 21, 2010
WBUR’s Sarah Knight writes about my second favorite[1] culinary[2] topic, cupcakes, on Public Radio Kitchen.[3]
Boston cream pie cupcakes (Sarah Knight/WBUR)
There is something in Boston called Cupcake Camp, “an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire for people to share and eat cupcakes in an open environment.”
Sarah attended. Her dispatch:
Over the last few years I’ve become an amateur cupcake connoisseur, if there is such a thing. I try to find cupcake shops in the cities I visit. I invent occasions to stop by the local shops. I can sometimes be persuaded to bake my own, as in chocolate-Guinness cupcakes with cream cheese frosting for St. Patrick’s Day. All of this could not prepare me, however, for that which was Cupcake Camp the night of April 15th. When I arrived at 7pm, the line was queued pretty far down Somerville Ave. I entered before general admittance and was still overwhelmed. Tables lined up against the walls of the room teemed with cupcakes. Big ones and small ones of all colors and flavors, some of them tended by their talented makers, some left in open boxes to speak for themselves.
Best cupcakes in town? Party Favors in Brookline.
[1] My favorite culinary topic is bacon.
[1a] I once ate a bacon cupcake.
[2] I pronounce culinary “CYOO-lin-ayr-ee.”
[3] I actually interviewed somebody about cupcakes on the radio in a previous life.
Published May 21, 2010
News and stories worth reading on a warm Boston Friday:
Brown was concerned that provisions in the bill related to financial firms’ investments could harm the mutual fund and insurance industries, which have a large presence in his home state. Harry Reid reportedly assured Brown that those industries would be exempted from certain rules in the bill. (Jacob Goldstein/Planet Money)
For the first time, federal authorities say they have evidence linking any of the men arrested in Watertown last week to the alleged Times Square bomber. The federal government is trying to keep the Pakistani citizen arrested in Watertown in the United States. Prosecutors tell a tangled story of unrequited love. (Fred Thys/WBUR)
“Nineteen-thousand job growth in one month is an astounding figure,” said Alan Clayton-Matthews, who tracks the Massachusetts economy at Northeastern University. “It’s hard to believe that 19,000 is a real number that will hold up.” (Curt Nickisch/WBUR)
After combing through the resume to verify the authenticity of the items listed on Adam Wheeler’s resume, The Crimson discovered numerous inconsistencies and misrepresentations. (Xi Yu and Julie M. Zauzmer/Harvard Crimson)
It’s been more than 40 years since the oil barge Florida ran aground on a foggy night in Buzzards Bay, spilling close to 200,000 gallons of fuel. Some of it is still there. At the time of the 1969 spill, lobsters, clams, and fish died by the thousands, but most people thought the harm would be temporary, reflecting what was then the conventional wisdom. (Beth Daley/Globe)
Share your favorite stories and links in the comments.
Published May 20, 2010
Friday is Bike to Work Day (#biketoworkday) in Greater Boston. BPD will escort bicyclists on eight popular routes into the city. (There’s a map.) Friday’s forecast: 72 and sunny.
This just in: Mass Ave in Boston just got OK’d for a bike lane.
I’m asking for commuting tips from you and from my colleagues. (You can also jump to the comments for more.) Please contribute!
Tessa Brickley on Facebook:
Wear a helmet! Also, Google Maps now allows you to search for biking directions (as opposed to driving or walking directions) so you can plan your route.
Sacha Pfeiffer, health & science reporter:
I’m a hard-core bicycle commuter. I ride to work almost every day of the year, including through the winter. My main advice is this: be smart and be visible. Also consider taking a bicycle education workshop from MassBike. And abide by these words of wisdom, which a WBUR listener posted on the web version of a bicycling story I did last fall: To keep safe while biking in Boston, think of yourself as being in an obstacle course with moving obstacles that are trying to kill you.
Susanna Bolle, Public Radio Kitchen intern:
I bike around the city whenever possible and three bits of advice spring to mind: Beware of bicyclists wearing headphones (what are these people thinking? answer: not much). Play especially nice with busses (for obvious reasons). If you ride at night, get proper reflectors and lights — I can’t begin to count how many cyclists, dressed in dark clothing and sans light I (don’t) see on the streets of the city every night.
Will Smith, developer:
Karen Given, Only A Game reporter/producer:
As a car commuter, I’d like to say thanks to the bike commuters who wear helmets and ride in a semi-predictable manner. I know that not all the drivers in this city are watching out for you, but I am. I’m happy to share the road with you.
John Hoder, senior computer specialist (he fixes our computers), on his tricycle, balancing on the front wheel while crossing the Charles on tightrope:
Within the last few weeks Boston has expanded its bike lanes considerably. Although I don’t pedal in much these days, I notice that Commonwealth Ave. (near Massachusetts Ave.) went from two auto lanes to a single one plus divider and bike lane. Looks like they’ve got a lane running from Kenmore on Comm. heading over towards the Park. It makes commuting on two wheels to B.U., B.C. etc. MUCH easier from areas like the South End and South Boston. I haven’t had a look around in too many other areas nor do I know of a bigger plan if there is one, but I did mention this to Adam Ragusea the other day figuring that it might make a timely radio piece. You might consider mic’ing up a rider?
(From Andrew: We reported just such a story some time ago on Radio Boston with our patent-pending “bikerophone.” I’m looking through the archives…)
Wendy Schwartz, on-air promotions producer:
On option for avoiding the melee of pedestrians, cars, buses, trolleys and other bikers, is to take streets that are parallel to the main roads. You get to see more flowers and breathe less exhaust fumes. The downside is the side streets are narrower, and you have to watch more carefully for cars pulling out of driveways and parking spaces.
Sarah Knight, development assistant:
Wear a helmet!!! You don’t know how many people I see weaving in and out of buses and cars without helmets on.
Clint Cavanaugh, leadership gifts officer, who does NOT wear a helmet, thank you very much:
I’ve been biking to work for, oh…20 years now (yes, child labor is a sad thing). Every morning, I get on my bike and as I start out, I have this feeling of utter freedom. It seems I’m a kid again and can go wherever I want. I always end up at my office, but it’s a great way to start the day!
You might say I’ve been lucky. I’ve never been doored, side-swiped or turned into. Me? I don’t think it’s luck. It’s good riding (knock on wood). I never, ever let my mind wander, I don’t ride dangerously fast and I think that every driver and pedestrian might do the silliest possible thing they could: go through a light, turn without signaling, open a door without looking, just not realize I’m there, vulnerable.
If you do all those things–be joyful, be careful, be vigilant–you’ll have fun, you’ll get in better shape, you’ll do your bit to ease pollution. Ride on!
Jessica Alpert, Radio Boston producer
i hate bikers.
Martha Little, news director:
Beware other bikers, especially when they ride the wrong way, against traffic. Someone almost slammed into me coming screaming down a hill against traffic as I was going up. It would have been very ugly.
Curt Nickisch, business & tech reporter:
Riding a bike is like, well, riding a bike. Don’t overthink it if you want to try commuting, just do. It’s easy to feel like you need a special kind of bike and the gear, but I’m riding the mountain bike that got me around my college campus. You can always get more serious about it later. The main thing is just to get started. While I miss listening to Morning Edition on my way in, I do feel like I get more of an experience out of my commute.
Jess Bidgood, producer:
Every time I get on my bike around here, I feel like I’m taking my life in my hands. But, perhaps as a result, I feel far more alive biking than I ever do in the car. Keep your eyes and ears open. Constant vigilance!
Oh, and — every biker runs red lights. But there are some intersections you should never mess with. Pick ‘em out, and stick to ‘em.
John Wihbey, On Point producer (and inventor of this blog’s name!):
My philosophy is: Get to the Charles as soon as possible. Even if that means going through impossibly convoluted back streets and then taking a detour to a destination. Nothing beats the view. Once you get to the path, there’s no more traffic danger, except from other bikers and errant walkers/joggers. Also, it’s worth pausing to look at the water these days. Baby ducklings. Catfish are now hanging out in the shallows. Crew teams of all ages and kinds out in force. I stopped and talked to a guy who was fishing for sunfish the other day. No one fishes for sunfish. They’re junk. But he said he liked just being on the riverbank. A good idea for biking too. -JW
Lisa Tobin, Morning Edition field producer:
Don’t. OK, do, but with great caution. I spent 21 years biking in Seattle without a single incident and in four years in Boston was hit by a car AND another cyclist.
Kevin Sullivan, Here & Now producer:
I find the Storrow side of the Charles is way better than Memorial.
Path is much smoother; fewer cyclists and runners.I agree with Adam re aggressive riding but see it as more defensive.
Always assume you’re about to be doored, forced off the road or hit by
entering traffic. Can’t imagine why more people don’t commute by bike !
Eileen Imada, On Point director:
GORE-TEX is your friend. Go to your neighborhood bike store, they’ll hook you up with what you need. Find and ride a bike you love. Take all the safety precautions–wear a helmet, watch for doors, use your lights–but don’t let fear keep you from biking. You’re not alone out there.
@aragusea, Radio Boston reporter:
Ride like you’re at war. It’s the only way to be sufficiently aggressive / mentally aware.
Pien Huang, On Point producer:
Bicyclists in Boston are like car/pedestrian hybrids. Advantages: You can beat around traffic. You can go on the pedestrian signal. Disadvantages: Drivers that can’t gauge lateral distance. Discontinuous lanes that can dump you into the middle of pot-holed streets in rush hour (Prospect St!?!). Bikers coming at you at night without lights.
Bikers, put on your lights!! Assume you’re invisible. And wear your helmets and get some health insurance – most people have a story of being doored or hit (usually one that involves spacing out – so be vigilant).
Also – listen back to our hour with Bicycling Magazine, NYC’s “Bike Snob,” and some confusion over ‘fixies.’
Excellent morning tomorrow for a bike ride, free breakfast at Boston’s City Hall Plaza.
avoid riding close to cars parked outside Dunkin Donuts in early morning: ppl needing coffee = check mirror before opening door FAIL
Best tip for aspiring commuters is to just try it! But also: wear a helmet, follow the rules of the road, and watch out for car doors!
You can’t bike to work if you have to get over the harbor; no bikes in tunnel, on bridge, or MBTA during rush hour (From Andrew: I don’t think this is a problem Friday, what with the police escorts.)
Oh, and do wear your helmet. A cyclist who didn’t collided with a car in Newton on Monday and died.
Got tips? Do share! Maybe it’s Bike to Work Day for you every day. How do you survive against Boston drivers? I’ll update as more nuggets come in.
Published May 20, 2010
WCVB’s Mary Richardson, who for 26 years has co-hosted “Chronicle,” the nation’s longest-running locally produced TV newsmagazine, signs off for good Friday.