Published June 28, 2010
On Friday night, the place to be in this city was not in some swanky South End bar or downtown club. It wasn’t even in this city.
It was on Mass. Ave. in Central Square, where hundreds of people danced in the streets — from little girls and boys to senior citizens from the Cambridge Citywide Senior Center. It was the 14th annual Cambridge City Dance Party. Think of a giant dance floor with a breeze.
They danced to Michael Jackson classics and Top 40 hits, DJ’d by Worcester-based Immedia. I was there “covering” the event for you Hubbubers who couldn’t make it (and by “covering,” of course, I mean busting a move while intermittently snapping photos.) Here are some of the night’s best:

Funky outfits and big smiles were the unofficial uniform. (Talia Ralph/WBUR)
When the sun went down, the party really started. Picture a packed dance floor with a breeze. (Talia Ralph/WBUR)

These break dancers were one of the only things that could clear a spot on the street. (Talia Ralph/WBUR)

Revelers were treated to a light show, with City Hall as the backdrop. (Talia Ralph/WBUR)