Indian gambling has now allowed for a previously unimaginable
economic rebirth on tribal lands. Immense wealth is being
generated at the gaming tables, but who benefits, and are
these businesses helping to resurrect Indian culture and identity
or smothering them?
» Casinos and New Indian
Power: $125,000 dollars an hour; $3 million a day; $1.5
billion a year. This is huge wealth for a tiny tribe that
had all but disappeared.
» Are They Really a Tribe?:
"They had a reservation with zero people living on it,"
says one critic.
» The Power of Money:
"They told me the Pequots were extinct," recalls
Chief Cunha. "I raised my hand and said, I'm a Pequot."
» Where Everybody Wins:
Two generations ago, the Choctaws were the poorest tribe in
the poorest state in the nation. Their casino marks just the
latest step in a stunning Indian renaissance.
First Broadcast February 2003
a video entitled Choctaw Renaissance about the Choctaw
tribe in Mississippi.
'Depression Era' photos from the Connecticut Pequot Tribe from
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