Reaching out to Haiti

Susan McCrory 

In Haiti each day, each hour, the need for help is so immense it’s overwhelming. What must it be like for those living through the catastrophe there, just trying to survive? Let’s keep willing into action a great efficiency among the governments, military units and relief organizations coordinating their aid to help the Haitian people on the ground.

As they do, PRK would like to do its small part in spreading the word about how we can help from here. Below are links to articles listing restaurants participating in the relief effort by raising money via special lunches, dinners, drinks, desserts, etc. Many of these restaurants are funneling the dollars to Partners in Health, Paul Farmer’s aid organization with two decades’ worth of experience in Haiti. It looks like what is needed most is money — yes, cold hard cash, per the PIH volunteer and donate pages and the article “Teaching Americans What Haiti Needs: Money” from yesterday’s New York Times. So, whether you donate directly to an aid organization or donate through a meal out, please do donate. Whatever you can. And please let us know of other efforts out there that we can shout about.
Boston Magazine
Grub Street
Palate Press
Sweet Earth Chocolates is offering “Haiti Relief Bars,” 100% organic, fair trade chocolate for the Haitian cause.