Thursday Tidbits

Photo: DNAMichaud/Flickr

Susan McCrory

Maple: the “First Harvest” of the Season
March is Maple Month in Massachusetts. You can tap into this longstanding tradition by checking the directory put out by the Massachusetts Maple Producers Association of sugar houses for the visiting and sugar house restaurants for, well, the obvious. Make it a family affair! And here’s a primer on how pure maple syrup is made.

Need Brisket for St. Patty’s Day?
Put in your order now via Cuisine en Locale. This “Meat Meet” happens Monday, March 15th, again in Cambridge.

Afternoon Espresso Love at Marliave’s
That’s espresso, not express, love and it’s yours for the taking at Restaurant Marliave in downtown Boston. The cafe at the Marliave is extending its hours past 1 PM and offering a savory tasting menu as well. Erstwhile & dear has written it up, hailing Marliave’s as a veritable oasis for espresso in the Park Street area.

Save the Date
Massachusetts Agriculture Day at the Statehouse will be held April 8th. This is a chance to hear and be heard about the issues facing state farmers and the long-term health of  the agricultural industry in Massachusetts.