Food Therapy from RecipeCan

Photo: Courtesy of RecipeCan

It’s Labor Day – and while it’s not technically the last day of summer, with Boston once again swarming with college students, it sure feels like it. Now, I can’t wait for fall (I was disappointed when Trader Joe’s didn’t have canned pumpkin this weekend before I realized, uh, it’s not actually in season yet). But I remember how, last year, I got so sick of fall squash and sweet potatoes and corn by mid-October that, in a fit of desperation, I bought out-of-season, watery blueberries for an obscene amount of money, just to pretend it was July again and that all the produce in the world was available to me. Blueberries, of course, are past their picking season in the Northeast already; but they’re still cheap and readily available and, dear reader, I think maybe, just maybe, you should ignore your locavore, environmentally-conscious trendy northeastern tendencies (oh yes, I’ve got you pegged, NPR-website-reading foodie) and make some blueberry muffins before they stop being good anymore. RecipeCan has an awesome-looking recipe, in any case (and check out her recap of this awesome brunch I was lucky enough to attend this weekend!).