Pepin in action (photo: georgia.kral/Flickr)
Boston University’s Food, Wine and Art Program is holding an event Nov. 3rd we think you should know about. (Translation: Great food! Talented chefs!)
Here’s the scoop. An enticing line-up of Boston-area chefs will choose a dish from Jacques Pépin’s new cookbook, Essential Pépin, and prepare it for consumption. By you.
Pépin, as you might know, is the much fêted, long-time instructor at BU’s Metropolitan College (MET). He co-founded the MET’s “Master of Liberal Arts program in Gastronomy” and “Certificate Program in the Culinary Arts” with none other than Julia Child, and he has dedicated his life to teaching BU students and area residents how to cook. Cook skillfully and creatively, that is, and with intellectual curiosity. The evening is therefore a tribute to Pépin, and there will be no shortage of expertly prepared, interesting dishes.
Festivities begin at 6pm, November 3rd, at the Showroom, 808 Commonwealth Avenue. Pre-registration is required (call 617-353-9852). Tickets are $100/ea.
Here’s the line-up of chefs ‘in’ on this Pépin-inspired evening:
David Becker, Sweet Basil
Chris Bee, Catering on the Charles
Jamie Bissonnette, Toro, Coppa
Peter Davis, Henrietta’s Table
Chris Douglass, Ashmont Grill, Tavolo
Jeff Fornier, 51 Lincoln
Ihsan Gurdal, Formaggio Kitchen
Deborah Hansen, Taberna de Haro
Fabrizia Lanza, Anna Tasca Lanza Cooking School (Sicily)
Michael Leviton, Lumiere, Area 4
Barry Maiden, Hungry Mother
Raymond Ost, Sandrine’s Bistro
Jacky Robert, Petit Robert
Leo Romero, Casa Romero
Jason Santos, Blue Inc
Michael Schlow, Tico, Radius, Via Matta, Alta Strada
Jeremy Sewall, Island Creek Oyster Bar, Eastern Standard, Lineage
Joe Simone, The Sunnyside
Jasper White, Jasper White’s Summer Shack
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