Food Therapy from A Cambridge Story

Photo: mote/Flickr

Because I am someone who sees lots of recipes at work, I feel kind of sheepish admitting I don’t know WHAT I feel like eating these days.

Maybe it’s a weird sort of hangover from the holidays. I don’t mean that I ate too much. But maybe eating so many different specialty dishes so many days in a row made my inner food compass go haywire. What flavors are next??

When A Cambridge Story tweeted her newest recipe yesterday, I pounced: Spinach Lentil Cakes and Moroccan-Style Vegetables. The spices had to be great, no doubt. Plus, lentils are one of those foods nutritious enough that we should be eating them all the time, but they need verve — some kind of pronounced sass so that you’re psyched to be sitting down to them again.

As I suspected, her recipe calls for no fewer than six spices: garlic powder, allspice, nutmeg, cinnamon, cumin and curry powder. Whoot! Plus, you get a solid handful of vegetables with a bonus top-off of wheat germ and golden raisins. The whole ensemble looks gorgeous.

Ping! My food compass just got re-set. True north. Thanks, A Cambridge Story, for sharing this savory creation.