Photo: Br3nda/Flickr
Be Healthy, Boston
The mission behind this two-day affair beginning Sat., Jan. 28, at the Westin Boston Waterfront couldn’t be more clear. “Be Healthy Boston” will feature mini spa sessions, mental health and wellness consults, fitness classes, cooking demonstrations (ta-da!) and cookbook signings. Ana Sortun, Jody Adams and Sally Sampson are on the roster. Join the fun, commit to getting healthy.
The Year of the Dragon
In honor of the Chinese New Year, Foumami Asian Sandwich Bar has created menu specials through Feb. 6 which carry important cultural symbolism: a spicy pork sandwich (pork represents strength, wealth and abundant blessing) and longan melon soda (melon portends good health and family unity). Foumami is also offering red envelope giveaways – another tradition related to the New Year – with prizes/discounts. Head to the Financial District to sample and celebrate.
The Super Hunger Brunch: Jan. 28-29 at numerous restaurants in and around Boston.
The Farm Bill Teach-In: Jan. 29 at the Museum of Science, 3-6pm; SOLD OUT, but you should be able to tap into the live webcast.
Dining Out to Conquer Diabetes: Jan. 29 at six participating restaurants in the North End.
Coffee and Chocolate-Lovers Take Heart
From Woman’s Day, here are eight foods purportedly related to good health. Not all of them are of the leafy-green variety. Woot!
Watching What They Eat
Frank Bruni, former restaurant critic at the NY Times, has an insider’s knowledge of how professional chefs prevent weight gain, and he shares it in Of Mouselike Bites and Marathons, a typically incisive essay. The title may sound like a dead giveaway, but it’s not: Bruni takes as his point of departure Paula Deen’s revelation that she’s living with Type II diabetes.
No Change = Good News
Obesity rates are leveling off. Why? Experts aren’t quite sure, but acclaimed food writer and NYU prof Marion Nestle takes a stab at the answer in her Food Politics column. She’s open to ideas.
Don’t Pass the Salt
From NPR’s The Salt, Alison Aubrey reports on the recent passage of new legislation mandating less salt, less fat and all-around more healthy fare for school lunches.
Feeding the Masses
“Marketplace” from American Public Media recently aired its fourth segment in the year-long series Our Struggle to Feed the World. This time they land in the Philippines. “Too many mouths?”