PRK On The Air: American Craft Brews On The Rise

Photo: CraftSuds/Flickr

From our neighbors at Here & Now, today we hear that American beer drinkers are turning more and more to craft beers.

Been to your local liquor store lately? Have you seen the assortment of beer available? According to the Brewers Association, Americans’ consumption of beer actually  dropped a little more than a percent last year. But you wouldn’t know that looking at all the choices.

Turns out that while Americans may be drinking less beer, in general, they are drinking more beer from small, independent brewers. There are now more than 2,000 in the country, and they employ more than 100,000 people. Retail sales were up 15%. This week beer makers from across the country are gathering in San Diego for the annual Craft Brewers Conference, and to get ready for American Craft Beer Week later this month.

Julia Herz, craft beer program director at the Brewers Association and a certified cicerone, tells Here & Now host Robin Young:

There are now more than 140 beer styles and 13,000 plus beer labels in the marketplace. I think you’ve got a localization in our culture going on, people getting back to being more informed about what they consume and enjoy. Look on the restaurant level, the same thing is happening with beer. And supporting your local brewery is becoming very important to many beer lovers.

Listen to the report with guest Julia Herz, craft beer program director at the Brewers Association.

Related reading at PRK:
Pairing Beer and Food in Honor of St. Patrick
Q&A With Julia Herz of The Brewers Association