Monday Morning: Ouch

Published January 17, 2011

Today is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the holiday commemorating the civil rights activist’s birth. He would have turned 82 on Saturday. Hopefully you’re sipping coffee in bed celebrating the federal holiday.

Around the country, and around the world, people will pause to remember the great man and the great struggle to ensure that all citizens of the United States are treated equally that he helped lead. King, who earned a graduate degree from Boston University, had many connections to Massachusetts. The Globe’s Adrian Walker writes that we should honor King’s memory by remembering King and his compatriots in the civil rights movement today.

Many New Englanders are still in shock, thanks to an awful Patriots loss to the hated New York Jets on Sunday.

With their team bounced from the playoffs, Pats fans are left looking for answers. Some are blaming quarterback Tom Brady. Some say the credit should go to the Jets. Regardless, many say that this loss is even worse than losing to the Lakers.

Any way you slice it, it hurts.