We Met Up, and Ate Up

Susan McCrory

Last night Public Radio Kitchen held its third MeetUp/EatUp and I think it’s fair to say everyone enjoyed it and walked away satiated in more ways than one!

A huge thanks to everyone who participated–in the discussion with Scott Soares, Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Agriculture (MDAR), on the local food initiatives our government is pursuing in Boston and state-wide; in the much-too-brief conversation about PRK at present and what it should be to our community moving forward; and in the potluck spread. Next time, let’s make sure to bring print-outs of these recipes. They all were worth repeating!

Of the 20+ people who attended (including our ‘resident farmer’ from Powisset Farm, Meryl LaTronica–thanks Meryl!), there was overwhelming consensus that Public Radio Kitchen bolster its role as a virtual meeting point for fellow foodies and bloggers, and that we strengthen our community outreach. In other words, more MeetUps, new and more events that allow all of you to connect with one another, discuss, watch a demo, eat (of course), etc. And, by verbal consensus the group wants we editors to draw more deliberately from YOU in posting content.

To that end, we call on Liz Canella to email us her near-award winning recipe for marshmallow fluff brulee (yep, she torched it). We provide this link to Dale Cruse’s Drinks Are On Me blog, with his “How to Get Drunk Like a Supermodel” post. Proceed with caution in going there, though–this little article is not for the easily-offended. The North Shore Dish gals had a lot of good things to say about their neck of the woods, including their new find in Mildred’s Corner Café, so we tip our hats to them and call for that “lunches in Lynn” series! Penny and Ed of BostonZest have posted two great links today, one for this year’s Edible Communities Local Hero Award and another on rethinking street food, with a video clip of Ruth Reichl talking about the same. And, finally, we want to provide this link to Commissioner Soares’ new blog Commonwealth Conversations, The Great Outdoors. Get tweeting, Commissioner!

So, more to come, we promise. And thanks to everyone for making the evening come to fruition.

8 thoughts on “We Met Up, and Ate Up

  1. Megan

    The event was great! Thanks so much for organizing and hosting it. it was a good opportunity to meet some other local bloggers and to hear about those local food initiatives as well as learn more about PRK and its future.

    (And I’ll let you know once I’ve posted the s’mores recipe.)

    1. smccrory

      Great to meet you, Megan. We hope to see you again and surely we’ll keep following your posts in the meantime. Keep us in the ‘know’ re the s’mores!)

  2. auntieChef

    Thanks Susan, Jessica, and Tom for organizing! Had a blast meeting up with the Boston foodie bloggers, was a great discussion…. Look forward to the next meet-up, and will keep you all posted on our launch!