Fish versus Fishermen?

Photo: Alex E. Proimos/Flickr

Numerous times on this site have you readers seen articles related to one of the most controversial food issues out there: seafood sustainability. In short, what to eat from our surrounding waters, and what not.

Today, we’re offering for your consideration a review published in Stuff of the recent “blacklist dinner” co-sponsored by Legal Seafoods’ Roger Berkowitz and the Culinary Guild of New England.

Louisa Kasdon, food writer and author of the article, condenses the evening’s agenda and the (new) issues it raised. To her mind, it’s a local, health-of-our-small-business-owners challenge — those small biz owners being, of course, independent fishermen. And there’s grave disagreement over whose numbers are correct as they concern the fish. The ensuing tensions are pitting the fishermen, backed by MA legislators and Gov. Deval Patrick, against the federal government and environmental NGOs.

Did you attend the blacklist dinner? What did you think of the discussion that evening? Are we headed towards more fish, “just not to eat”?


Some more reading about sustainable seafood on PRK:
The Pescavore’s Dilemma
Who wants Sustainable Seafood?
As The Oil Spreads
Celebrating Seafood

The Seafood Blacklist