“The idea of bounty” and the Boston Tree Party

Photo: talliskeeton/Flickr

Imagine going outside during your lunch break this fall and picking an organic apple off the vine – from right outside your office. Pretty dreamy scenario, huh?

Good news, then: the Boston Tree Party – we wrote about them a few weeks ago – is still looking for “delegates” willing to plant pairs of apple trees in front of their office, school, church or otherwise large and publicly accessible organization. They’ve extended the deadline to April 1. What could be lovelier than apple blossoms to herald the spring?

I suspect Tree Party founder Lisa Gross agrees with me. A few days ago, she spoke to Stuff Boston about the project, the community, and the absolute travesty that is a Red Delicious apple. Says Gross:

I grew up in the DC area, and I always had this attraction to fruit trees. Every year we’d go apple picking. It was a touchstone experience for me. I lived in a suburban community with few trees. Going to the orchard, the idea of bounty – you could pick up an apple from any tree, take a bite, and throw it down on the ground. Such bounty! The amazing idea of getting food from a tree just stuck with me.