Food Therapy from The Wannabe Chef


Photo: bgottsab/Flickr

On lazy cooking days, nothing hits the spot like an omelet.

Both simple and potentially fancy, an omelet comes together in mere seconds. It can be served along a green salad for lunch or dinner, or toast for breakfast. It’s filling, healthy, and comforting. Rushing between classes at school, a two-egg omelet was my go-to lunch.

Though I still haven’t figured out the perfect, French method of cooking an omelet (see this Julia Child video for inspiration), no one’s really going to complain if you just fold the thing over, as I do, and as the Wannabe Chef does here. He uses my favorite filling of mushrooms and onions with an added twist – maple syrup (seriously: if you don’t like mushrooms, you need to try some seared creminis in eggs). The end result, he says, is the quintessential balance of savory and sweet. In fact, the Wannabe Chef calls it “the only omelet recipe you’ll ever need.”

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