“Five years ago, if you’d asked me where I envisioned myself, wouldn't be here. ”
“Five years ago, if you’d asked me where I envisioned myself, wouldn't be here. ”
“I don’t have an ideal anymore. I think I did when I first graduated. Now just having a basic salary and basic health care would be paramount.”
of 22-to-29 year olds say they are scared for the future1
“Our generation is not our parents' generation. The vast majority of us won't be able to get married, buy a house, buy two cars, and hold a long-term/well-paying job - all by age 23.”
Andrew Jacob WBUR commenter
“The idea of being able to make a deposit on a house — something I would have otherwise wanted to do in the next five years or so — seems like little more than fantasy.”
Morgan WBUR blogger
“We would love to start a real life. We would love to start buying houses and raising families. But the loan letters say 'not for another decade.'”
"arabaszc" WBUR commenter
“I will be 29 next month and have been laid off. My boyfriend and I each live with our families to save money. I feel as though my life is on hold. This is not what I dreamed the last year of my twenties would look like.”
Katie Pion WBUR commenter
of 22-to-29 year olds feel their career will be successful2
“The economy will recover, the graph will start to point back upwards again, but sadly many people will be left behind as a fresh new generation graduates into the workforce.”
"Jimbajuice" WBUR commenter
“The future is incredibly uncertain, but I still believe that if you're smart, hard-working, confident, and a little lucky, you will eventually find success.”
Sophy WBUR blogger