Mass. Regulators Plan To Restrict Four Loko Drinks

Published November 15, 2010

This post has been updated from an earlier version with new reporting.

WBZ’s Joe Shirtsleeve first reported Monday that state regulators will move to ban Four Loko energy drinks. In fact, regulators will move to restrict sales of the super-caffeinated alcoholic drinks by reclassifying them.

The Globe explains:

Beverages are expected to be repackaged and sold in resealable containers, placing it in the same category as vodka, rum, and other hard liquors, which are subject to higher taxes.

Vendors licensed to sell only wine and beer or malt beverages would no longer be able to sell Four Loko.

Chicago-based Phusion Projects, which makes Four Loko, says the decision is a buzz kill. Four states have already banned the drink, according to the Globe. The company says singling out a single beverage category will not curb alcohol abuse — and wonders why Irish coffee and rum-and-Cokes don’t get the same scrutiny.

There’s always New Hampshire.