Published October 9, 2010

Republican Charlie Baker, left, and independent Tim Cahill participated in a debate in Cambridge on Monday. (AP)
The plot thickens in the political thriller of 2010.
A day after independent gubernatorial candidate Tim Cahill sued his former campaign aides — accusing them of conspiring with Republicans — Cahill’s former running mate accusied him of conspiring with Democrats. (You really should follow ElectionWire for the latest on this saga.)
This story is moving fast, so you can be forgiven for being confused. Here is a timeline of events:
- Cahill’s senior adviser, John Weaver, quits the campaign. Says Cahill can’t win.
- Cahill’s campaign manager, Adam Meldrum, quits the campaign. Says Cahill can’t win.
- Cahill’s running mate, Paul Loscocco, quits the campaign. Says Cahill can’t win. Throws his support behind Republican Charlie Baker at a press conference.
- Cahill and state Democrats accuse Loscocco of a “back-room deal” for a job in a Baker campaign.
- Baker says there will be no job for Loscocco in his administration.
- Cahill sues his defectors, accusing them of orchestrating his running mate’s departure and colluding with Republicans to share confidential campaign information. Cahill releases damning e-mails from his former staffers.
- Baker campaign denies any involvement but calls on Cahill to “come clean about improper activities in his campaign.”
- Meldrum, the former Cahill campaign manager, says Cahill’s lawsuit is an attempt to prevent Meldrum from blowing the whistle on allegations that Cahill misused taxpayer money, in his capacity as state treasurer, to help run his campaign.
- A judge grants Cahill’s request to prevent former aides from sharing information with the Baker campaign.
- In a 1,300-word statement, Loscocco accuses the Cahill campaign of conspiring with Democrats and Deval Patrick’s re-election campaign to “spoil” the race by siphoning votes from Baker.
- A Patrick adviser dismisses Loscocco’s allegations and accuses Loscocco of a “backroom deal” with Baker.
- Cahill tells WBUR’s Radio Boston that Meldrum’s allegations of misuse of taxpayer dollars are “absolutely false.”
- Gov. Patrick denies any coordination with the Cahill campaign.
Stay tuned.