Bitter Cyclist Breaks Up With Allston

Published October 27, 2010

Remember how I broke up with Brookline? This person — an anonymous bicyclist who is fed up with Boston drivers — just broke up with Allston:

Seriously is every single person that lives or travels within your confines a total moron? Why is it that the students that call you home are smart enough to go to Harvard, but can’t figure out how to cross the damn street? Does EVERY motorist have to drive in the bike lane, or make turns with no signals, and whats with all the moms dropping kids off at school and nearly dooring me every damn day.


In short Allston, you’re a hot mess. I never had this kind of trouble when I was with Dorchester, or Somerville, or even Down Town (and DT is wild). I think I might be forced to start dating the BU Bridge area just to avoid you…yea its gotten weird between us.

As Twitter @HubScout told me on Twitter:”Allston’s the town you have fun with, Brookline’s the town you marry.”

Via Universal Hub.